A monthly membership designed for parents of stuck kids (aged 2-7years), so you can transform even the trickiest of challenging behaviours and bring back more play, peace and purpose into your home.

What is ‘The K.I.N.D Collective?’
An app based community for like minded, heart centred mums. Learn from a library of resources integrating developmental science with deep inner work to unblock difficult behaviours and embody intuitive confidence on your motherhood journey.
KNOWLEDGE : understanding the developmental science beneath your child’s behaviour
INTUITION : tune in to your own intuitive confidence as a parent instead of using scripts
NURTURE : keep connection and attachment at the centre of everything you do
DEPTH : go deep into your own inner work and explore your own inner world and triggers
The K.I.N.D. Collective is for growth minded mothers who are navigating the unique challenges of parenting a stuck child…
Describing a child as stuck is a description Developmental Psychologist, Dr Gordon Neufeld has coined and is the most compassionate and helpful way of describing a child who is having a hard time that I have come across in my decade plus experience as a psychologist. It's compassionate, intuitive and actually helps us get to the heart of the matter.
Sometimes these kids are stuck in their fight or flight response.
Sometimes these kids are stuck in their relationships.
Sometimes these kids are stuck in their emotions because they have walls up around their heart to protect them from more vulnerability.
It will manifest in many different ways.
You might notice your child struggles to engage in self directed play and is constantly bored. They can't seem to create ideas from within themselves and are often searching for something or someone else to entertain them.
You might notice that your child is showing signs of anxiety that you can't seem to shift. Maybe they struggle to separate from you, they chew their shirt or bite their nails, they struggle to sleep and appear restless or agitated.
You might notice that your child is aggressive and you can't leave them alone with siblings or other kids. They're impulsive and the aggression feels hard to manage.
You might notice that your child is hard to lead and often resists direction from you. Perhaps it feels like they can't rest when you're taking care of them and always want to be in charge and in control.
If you’re parenting one of these kids, you’ve probably noticed that most approaches don’t go deep enough to get you from the heat of the moment to the heart of the matter.
This is where this space is different.
Inside I am going to show you a pathway to parenting these children that is rooted in developmental science. I am going to show you exactly what the fundamental needs are of these children and how to work with their deep sensitivities so that you can create an environment that will help them reach their full potential and grow into mature, self regulated adults who have the capacity for deep connection.
You won't find one size fits all strategies or scripts in here, instead I will show you the broader ideas and principals that you can apply to your unique family situation.
My mission is always to help you find a family centred approach to your own life, where both you AND your child can get their needs met and live a life you all adore.

Private 1:1 Guidance Forum
Classes and Workshops
Drop your questions and scenarios inside our private forum tab within the KIND collective app and get guaranteed responses from myself, or one of the other two community mentors, guiding you to find a solution or an approach that will work for your family.
Access an entire library of classes and workshops that will help you uncover your child's fundamental needs, the way to adjust your environment to help them thrive.
Real Life Parenting Videos
Exclusive Podcast Episodes
Learn how to implement these parenting principles with videos of Ashleigh taking the same approaches with her children in real life. Gain inspiration and ideas about how these principles and playful parenting games might actually look in real life.
Each week I share a story in the member's only podcast about how I have lived out the ideas and concepts inside of the membership. The stories help you unpack and integrate the concepts more deeply and thoroughly.

This approach will take you from the heat of your trickiest moments, to the heart of what matters most to your child most.
What People Are Saying
Ashleigh Warner I love how you always hit the nail on the head. I’m so happy to have you in my parenting “corner” on this journey
This is literally the best parenting membership! I don’t even utilize all the support and its so worth it! Don’t hesitate to join if you’re considering
Being a part of The Collective has been one of the most helpful and supportive resources I have experienced in this phase of parenting!

Get The App
Join thousands of other heart centred mothers around the world on the Raising Humans Kind App, your best friend to pair with the KIND Collective membership. Get instant access to a library of resources and tools on all things conscious parenting, and unlocking the magic in motherhood.