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Hello! I’m Ashleigh, a mum, a woman, a K.I.N.D parenting advocate and a passionate holistic family psychologist.

I help people understand that one of our greatest responsibilities as parents is to heal ourselves. It is my belief that understanding our conditioning to parent from a place of true authenticity is essential to the wellbeing of our children and therefore society as a whole. I help parents re-connect with themselves and bring consciousness to their choices. From here, parents are empowered to know that the answers for their family are found within themselves. This is truly effective parenting. My passion is working with families of stuck and sensitive children to help the parents understand what children need to get back onto the natural development track.

The work begins with us.

Ashleigh knows that if we heal as a generation of parents, there is no doubt we can raise conscious, connected and compassionate humans.


Ashleigh’s interest in respectful parenting started long before she became a mother herself. With a thorough understanding of attachment theory and the importance of the early years in the formation of the brain, Ashleigh knew that traditional parenting techniques came with consequences that weren’t often discussed. Families thrive when they feel deeply connected with one another, when they have the skills to engage in relationship and when parents can truly model what they hope to see in their children. Rewards and punishments aren’t necessary when parental self inquiry, emotional regulation and deep connection become a priority.

Ashleigh’s work is about helping parents get to a place where parenting feels less stressful, where the relationships in the family can be enjoyed and nourished. Because Parenting isn’t about a set of rules or guidelines, it’s a way of being.

Ashleigh has spent over a decade working with families in various settings. Ashleigh has a Masters Degree in Educational and Developmental Psychology and is a registered Psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. She has worked in Thailand, Kenya, The Solomon Islands and now resides home in Australia, where she is raising her young family. Ashleigh has also trained in Family Therapy and has extensive experience working with families as a whole system.

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The mountain range represents the lineage of intergenerational patterns.

Hidden in the flow of those lines are the letters AW, which are my initials and a representation of where I have come from.

The mountains both elevate and descend to remind us that our growth, and the development of our child, is not linear.

The mountain peak signifies the state of absolute consciousness.

The sun is the symbol of the great work and reminds us that it is not only wounds but also wisdom that can transcend.